Treasures from the Trunk
Wesley United Church, Regina, SK 3913 Hillsdale Avenue, Regina, SaskatchewanGrandmothers 4 Grandmothers Regina invites you to shop for treasures and bargains at their outdoor trunk sale.
Thank you for supporting the fundraising initiatives of grandmothers groups across the Campaign! Browse the calendar below to learn about the many online, in-person and multi-day events that grandmothers groups are organizing, as well as Campaign-wide events.
TIP: The search bar can help you find specific events. Try searching “online” to see a list of virtual events that you can attend from the comfort of your home, or search your city to find local events near you.
Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers Regina invites you to shop for treasures and bargains at their outdoor trunk sale.
We will be hosting games, dinner and a silent auction over 3 days in June. On June 7, 9 games and prizes from 2 to 4 pm at Portlock Park Pavillion, and games, a chili dinner, silent auction and cash and carry tables from 5:30 - 9 pm at the Lions' Bradley Hall. Silent auction […]
For decades, community-led responses have been supporting and empowering people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS. These remarkably effective programs have only deepened over time, as their connection to their communities ensure they are cutting the AIDS pandemic off at its roots. Idah Mukuka Nambeya, Senior Advisor to the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign, […]
Explore a beautiful garden oasis and talk with its creator, Master Gardner Robert Pavlis. Featuring six acres with over 3,000 plant varieties Tickets are $25 with timed entry at 10 am, 12 pm and 2 pm. Get your tickets at
A Zoom conversation open to all members of the Grandmothers Campaign to share ideas and inspiration.
On June 23, 2022 at 1:00 PM ET, Ingrid Janssen will be giving a presentation on Raising Monarch Butterflies. Ingrid is a horticulturist, speaker, blogger and master gardener. She has been gardening for most of her life and is a passionate, some would say "crazy gardener". Her presentation, 'Raising Monarchs: How I Became a Monarch […]
Cycle farther, stronger, faster! Join weekly training sessions to get ready for the Greater Van Gogos Solidarity Cycle.
Shop the Nelson Grans to Grans' handmade goods at the Nelson Night Market.
Grandmothers Embrace of Alliston, ON is having a sale including gaking, jewellery, scarves and cards. It will take place at the Potato Festival in Alliston.
Cycle farther, stronger, faster! Join weekly training sessions to get ready for the Greater Van Gogos Solidarity Cycle.
Choose your challenge! VG4A’s virtual cycle tour challenges each rider to pick the distance she can cover in the four weeks from August 13th – September 9th. Riders can use conventional bikes, unconventional bikes, e-bikes, or even stationary bikes, and cycle alone or with friends. All women 55 or older are welcome, from beginner to […]
If you love books, you won’t want to the Kingston Grandmother Connection's Lots of Used Books Sale!