Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign

Solidarity in Action

The Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign is a social justice movement that respects, admires and mobilizes the expertise that women develop and deepen in their lifetimes. Across the Campaign, groups raise funds based on members’ passions and skills in support of the urgently needed programs that grandmothers and community-based organizations are leading in sub-Saharan Africa. 

Through sustained funding of their work, African grandmothers have moved from securing their most basic needs to taking on leadership roles in the community, and starting their own programs for child care, income generation and other support networks. Through National-level Gatherings and mobilizing within their communities, they are pushing their governments to recognize their human rights and enact national policies to support all grandmothers within their country.

Browse the photo gallery to see solidarity in action, check out the Campaign calendar to find an event near you, and learn about more ways to join the movement.

The photos in this gallery are intended for educational purposes only. If you have questions, please contact us at